Tips for Battling Home Sickness When You’re Travelling Alone

Alan Morrison

Tips for Battling Home Sickness

Travelling alone is one of the most amazing things that you can do. Not only does it help to build a sense of confidence and self-reliance that you can carry with you throughout every other aspect of your life – but it gives you the complete freedom to explore a destination on your own terms.

Unfortunately, travelling alone can make the threat of homesickness even more significant, as you don’t have any friends or family to turn to when you start to feel sad, or lonely. Following, we’ll cover a few of the simplest, and most effective tips for battling homesickness when you’re travelling alone – so you can make the most of your solo vacation.

1.    Stay in Touch

If you miss your brother’s witty comments or your mother’s loving voice, then there’s nothing wrong with getting in touch from time to time, simply to catch up. Schedule a skype call or video call in your spare time and spend an hour or two simply hanging out with your loved ones from the comfort of your hotel room. If you want to keep up with what’s going on but don’t want to chat, you can always take some time to check the social media accounts of your loved ones and make some updates to your own profile about your latest experiences. Just make sure you have a travel adapter plug on hand to ensure constant and reliable power.

2.    Make New Friends

One of the best tips for battling homesickness, is to make yourself feel less alone. This could mean simply talking to people in your hotel, or in your local area, or even getting involved with tours and other community experiences that actively encourage participation in a group. For example, if you want to explore more of your destination and tackle isolation at the same time, why not try joining a walking, cycling, or bus tour. This will give you the perfect opportunity to chat to some new people while ensuring you’re still getting the most out of your vacation.

3.    Don’t Compare Yourself to Other People

When the stress of homesickness is getting you down, it’s easy to put yourself under pressure and tell yourself that you should be doing better. The chances are you know other people who travelled by themselves and seemed to struggle less with their emotions – but remember, you don’t know what anyone but you is going through. Don’t compare yourself to others, as the chances are you’re having the exact same experiences as anyone else in your situation. Remember to focus on enjoying yourself, and getting what you want most out of your trip.

4.    Remember that Time Flies

Even in long-term vacations, it’s worth remembering that there is an end-date in sight. If you’re feeling really homesick, remind yourself that you will be back with your loved ones soon. Remembering the temporary nature of travel should help to put your mind at rest, and keep you focused on achieving the things that matter most to you while you still have the chance.


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