How to Have More Fun on Your Next Business Trip
Alan Morrison
No matter how much of a professional you might be, it’s safe to say that business travel can get old really fast. From jammed seats and crowded planes, to weather delays, constant rushing, and traffic jams, most professionals find themselves stressed, and exhausted by the time they get back to the regular 9-5 grind. Fortunately, […]
How to Make Business Travel More Productive
Alan Morrison
There’s something inherently exciting about the prospect of business travel. After all, it’s usually an all-expenses-paid excuse to explore a new destination, get some time away from the office, and have fun while on the clock. Many of us actually spend the weeks before our scheduled trip daydreaming about all of the different ways we’ll […]
How to Stop Yourself from Drying out on a Flight
Alan Morrison
It may sound strange, but drying out during a long flight is a very serious problem. The fact that you’re so high in the air can make it extremely difficult for your skin to maintain the moisture it needs to keep you feeling comfortable, while your body suffers from dehydration more quickly than ever. Just […]
3 Pre-Boarding Secrets for a Healthier Flight
Alan Morrison
The last way anyone wants to start a vacation is heaving over a toilet bowl or wrapped up in their hotel bed, feeling terrible. You’ve protected your luggage with a TSA-approved padlock, so why not protect yourself too, by taking a few crucial steps before you even board the plane? Following, we’re going to give […]
Crucial Healthy Travel Tips for Business or Pleasure
Alan Morrison
Regardless of whether we’re travelling for pleasure, or business, there’s something about travel that can derail our common sense, and encourage us to disregard our needs in regards to health, hygiene, and safety. Though ensuring that you get enough exercise and sleep during your international conference, or family vacation, might not be the first thing […]
International Travel Checklist: What to Do Before Your Next Trip
Alan Morrison
If you’ve been searching for an international travel checklist, then the chances are that you’re planning a vacation abroad, and you want to know exactly what to do before your next trip. After all, keeping yourself safe in an unfamiliar location is about more than simply using a secure money pouch to protect your valuables, […]
5 Useful Travel Apps for Budget-Conscious Travelers
Alan Morrison
If you like to keep your money close, and make the cash stretch wherever you go, then the chances are that you know there’s more to caring for your finances on holiday than simply ensuring you store all your cards in a waist security belt. It’s also important to budget carefully, and keep a close […]
The Top Translation Apps for Global Travelers
Alan Morrison
As intelligent as computers are, they can sometimes have a hard time when it comes to translating different languages. After all, there are various nuances and subtleties to think about in language that even the most advanced computers struggle to fathom. Still, it’s safe to say that the world of online translation is getting at […]
Vacation Tech: The Best Travel Apps to Install Today
Alan Morrison
While many articles and scientific experts are extoling the virtues of finding ways to unplug during your time away from work, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to avoid technology all of the time. For adventurous travelers who consider their smartphone or tablet to be one of the most useful resources they have during […]
5 Amazing Travel Snacks for Almost Any Trip
Alan Morrison
If you want an incredible travel experience, then the best thing you can do for yourself, and your family, is to plan ahead. Of course, being prepared for anything means more than simply making sure you’ve packed your travel umbrella in your carry-on luggage. You’re also going to need some snacks to keep everyone happy […]